Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

... on a beautiful summer evening.


Beacon Falls Public Library to host clothes swap Friday at Town Hall

BEACON FALLS - Reminder- Beacon Falls Public Library's Sustainability Clothing Swap is this Friday!
We are still accepting items tomorrow [Wednesday] morning (or contact Miss Kerri for another drop-off time before Friday).
Baby, Toddler, Children's and Women's clothing are being accepted in clean, good condition.
The half-hour from 3:30-4 p.m. is open to just those who have also contributed items to swap. After 4 p.m., anyone is allowed to come and "shop" the tables.
This is our first time organizing a swap, and we hope to learn from this experience to offer seasonal swaps. Stay tuned for info on a September "Junk in the Trunk" event, as well!
(In the chance of rain, the event will be moved inside)

This is shared from the Library's Facebook page.

Seymour Public Library to hold open play group on Wednesdays


Ansonia Library to host local author reading his new Beatles book


Plumb Memorial Library in Shelton to host lecture on Sept. 11 attack, aftermath

SHELTON - Plumb Memorial Library welcomes guest lecturer Edgar Domenech, Special Agent in charge of the World Trade Center, as he presents “9-11 and Its Aftermath” at  6:30 p.m. Sept. 20 in the Library Meeting Room.

Edgar will discuss the importance of training and preparation prior to any critical incident. 

He will present the actions taken by the men and women assigned to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives New York Office, located at 6 WTC on 9/11 and afterwards from rescue to recovery efforts.
This perspective will be based on his role as the Special Agent in Charge of that office.

Register online: https://sheltonlibrarysystem.org/.../9-11-attack-and-its.../
or call (203) 924-1580 ext. 5102.

The Library is at 65 Wooster St.

This is shared from the Shelton Library System Facebook page.

Seymour Historical Society to hold plant sale fundraiser

 The Historical Society is located at 59 West St., Seymour.

This is shared from the society's Facebook page.

Cassetti announces end of trash reduction pilot program in Ansonia

ANSONIA - Mayor David S. Cassetti announced Monday that the pilot program for the trash reduction program through NVCOG Reduce the Trash has ended at this time, with no plans to continue at this point.

If you still have the orange and green bags, you are welcome to use them and sort as you choose, Country Disposal will still pick the bags up. We will advise should we decide at a future date to start a food waste management program up again.

Thank you for your cooperation with this pilot program that was new to all.

This is shared from the City of Ansonia Facebook page.

'Turnback Tuesday' highlights St. Mary's Church convent in Derby

Turnback Tuesday looks at St. Mary’s Church Convent.
Dedicated in 1905, it was built next to the church on Elizabeth Street, Derby.

The Sisters of Mercy convent building had four floors: the main floor had a reception and class rooms; the second and third floors were sleeping quarters for the sisters and the fourth floor was available to add more.

The convent and school were built when Rev. Charles J. McElroy was pastor of the church. The building was torn down in 1969 to make room for a parking lot.

This image was courtesy of the Berman family.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

Derby Neck Library slates Evening Book Club meeting Monday

DERBY - The Derby Neck Library Evening Book Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday to read "Colonel Chabert" by Honoré de Balzac.

Reading selections are available on Project Gutenberg and copies of the stories will be provided at the circulation desk:

The Library is at 307 Hawthorne Ave.
This is shared from Derby Neck Library's Facebook page.

Derby Historical Society to host Tavern Night at Humphreys House