Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Ansonia Soccer Club seeks sponsors for teams

The Ansonia Soccer Club is looking for 2019/2020 sponsors.
Please e-mail monaconm @ if your business would be interested in sponsoring a team. 
Shout out to The Hub, Mr. Softy, and Tipsy Tomato who immediately signed up to sponsor a team!

*Shared from the City of Ansonia Facebook page.

Photographer battling form of dementia slates show in Shelton

Photos by Patrick Doyle

SHELTON - Resident Patrick E. Doyle will host a show featuring his photography from noon-3:30 p.m. Aug. 10 at the Shelton Community Center, 41 Church St.

In an email, Doyle wrote in part: 

"I could not take pictures of this quality prior to my diagnosis of Frontotemporal Degeneration, also known as Frontal Temporal Lobe Dementia.
"Although it receives minimal attention, it is no less devastating and debilitating for the patient, caregivers, and loved ones than Alzheimer’s. 
"Last year Maria Tomasetti, South Regional Director of the Connecticut Alzheimer’s Association, sponsored a photo show for me. I sold over $700 worth of photos, and with additional orders and donations, I raised $1,700 for the Connecticut Alzheimer’s Association."

I attended that show at Three Bridges Coffeehouse on Howe Avenue and was impressed with Doyle's photography skills. He is to be commended for raising $1,700 for the Alzheimer's Association!