Tuesday, September 27, 2022

'Turnback Tuesday' looks at devastation caused by '55 flood in Derby

Turnback Tuesday shares this incredible view of the Flood of 1955.

Taken from the tower of St. James Church on Minerva Street looking east towards the Naugatuck River. Red Star = Naugatuck River; green arrow = Freight Depot; blue arrow = Rt. 34; yellow arrow = Rt. 8; red arrow = Train Station; pink arrow = Farrel Birmingham; purple arrow = 1st Congregational Church; black arrow = St. Michaels Church and purple star = Housatonic river.

The devastation of the flood was not only to the landscape but to those living here. The image was a gift from the Birmingham National Bank to the Derby Public Library in November, 1955.

Thank you to Joe DiRienzo for his help in identifying landmarks.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.