Saturday, March 22, 2025

Derby Neck Library offers kids opportunity to read to threrapy dogs

DERBY - Stop in at Derby Neck Library between 5 and 6 p.m. Tuesday to read to certified therapy dogs and Be A Reading Kid (B.A.R.K.)!

We are excited to welcome Spirit and Brian back to the Library. Both pups love children and are fantastic listeners.

Reading aloud to a dog provides an attentive audience and may boost a child’s confidence in their reading skills.

Each participant will receive a commemorative photo of themselves with the dogs, as well as an experience they won’t soon forget!

The Library is at 307 Hawthorne Ave.

Register below for this program, and be sure to sign up for our Youth Mailing List here to stay in the loop on cancelations and other important info.

From the 'Turnback Tuesday' archives: Marietta Smith's House

This week's "Turnback Tuesday" photo is of Marietta Smith’s House in Derby. 

Marietta was born on July 18, 1806 and was the daughter of James and Gloriana Shelton Smith of Derby, CT. In 1818 and 1819, she attended the Litchfield Female Academy. 

She was known in Derby as a great conversationalist and was visited by many noted people. She died in 1889.

An add to the post from Derby Public Library:

Here is a picture of Marietta Mary Smith, born July 18, 1806, died Nov. 28, 1889. The photo was originally courtesy of Marian O'Keefe.

[First posted on this date in 2016.]

Thanks goes the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

Seymour Pink to host 16th annual pasta dinner at Brookside Inn in Oxford

Join us for our 16th Annual Pasta Dinner at Brookside, where the concept of Seymour Pink all began so many years ago. 
Enjoy a simple pasta dinner & salad with cash bar. 
Our raffle program for the evening is built by donations of baskets in memory or in honor of YOUR loved ones with breast cancer, each basket telling a special story and sharing memories of our pink warriors.

Location: Brookside Inn Restaurant, 231 Oxford Road, Oxford.

Date and time: April 28, 2025 5-8 p.m.

Organizer: Mary Deming, (203) 668-3170,

This is a press release from Seymour Pink.