Sunday, February 16, 2025

Kids can register for free trees delivered to Ansonia Library for Earth Day

Dig your green thumbs in and order your trees using the link below

before March 15

and we’ll contact you when it’s delivery time. 

No need to select your kiddo's grade or teacher-just pick N/A from the drop-down menu when it pops up. 

And guess what? The trees are absolutely FREE! Just click through the link until you reach the checkout page, and voilà! Happy planting!💚 #EarthDay2025

Register for Trees Here

Derby Elks #571 collecting non-perishable food for Spooner House in Shelton

From the 'Turnback Tuesday' archives: Union House Hotel in East Derby

This week's "Turnback Tuesday" is a photo of the Union House Hotel. 
It was located where St. Michael's Church is now, in East Derby. Benjamin Hubbell lived there.
In the foreground is the Naugatuck River with a small boat.

[First posted on this date in 2016.] 

Thanks goes to Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

Derby Shelton Rotary Scholarship applications open, due May 6

 The Derby Shelton Rotary Scholarship applications have been updated in Naviance and are now accessible for students. Please ensure that you apply before the deadline: May 6.

Seniors from Derby and Shelton can apply for the following scholarships:

  • Derby Shelton Four-Year Scholarship: $8,000
  • President’s Scholarship: $1,000
  • Deceased Rotarian One-Time Scholarship: $1,500
  • Derby Shelton Rotary One-Time Scholarship: $1,500
  • Derby Shelton Rotary One-Time Scholarship: $1,500

For any questions or additional information, please email with the Subject Line: Scholarship.

Thank you, and best of luck with your applications!

Shared from the Rotary Club of Derby Shelton Facebook page.