Tuesday, February 19, 2019

'Turnback Tuesday' highlights Brother of the Brush during Derby's 300th

Turnback Tuesday says hello to the “Brother of the Brush” for Derby’s 300th. 
The Committee for Derby’s 300th celebration [in 1975] felt it would be a great idea for the men in Derby to grow facial hair for the celebration. This could be either a beard or a “stache” along with sideburns. 
Apparently, many men grew “Mutton Chops” or thick sideburns. And if you did not comply, you were fined or thrown in the stocks.

Thanks to Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history. 

Adam's House in Shelton offers training for Friends in Grief volunteers

Sharing a message from Adam's House about scheduled trainings for Friends in Grief volunteers to work with children and help them to heal. 

Adam's House is a grief education center at 241 Coram Ave. in Shelton.

Special Addition of FIG Training!
We've been asked many times if we'd offer a winter training so we decided to make it happen! To join our Adam's House FIG team, sign up today!

Training will be held:
Thursday, Feb. 21st- 5pm-8pm
Friday, Feb, 22nd- 5pm-8pm
Saturday, Feb.23rd- 9am-3pm.

All days/hours must be completed in order to volunteer with our children. 4 spots remaining....

My Sister's Place thrift store in Ansonia posts weekly specials

 For the week of Feb.18-24

Save 20%
Save 20% off your entire purchase of $15.00 or more at My Sister's Place Thrift Store & Donation Center, 380 Main Street, Ansonia, CT.  One coupon per person. Not valid on weekly sales. Cannot be combined with any other coupons, discounts or specials.
Expires: 2/28/2019

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Recuperation journey: Catching some rays at 9:40 a.m.

 Another through the window capture.

Valley representatives seek to end unnecessary tax filing for seniors

 House Republican Leader Themis Klarides of Derby

State Rep. Nicole Klarides-Ditria of Seymour

HARTFORD - State Reps. Themis Klarides and Nicole Klarides-Ditria last week expressed support in Finance, Revenue and Bonding for legislation that will eliminate the requirement that income tax be deducted and withheld from pension payments unless the payee has submitted a CT-W4P withholding certificate. 

The two representatives said they are committed to getting this legislation passed on behalf of their constituents within their districts and across the state of Connecticut. 
Each of them has received feedback from countless senior citizens who are confused, frustrated, and concerned by notices of higher tax rates and the need to file returns.

Klarides, who testified before the committee, said, "Many seniors are living off less month to month as a result of the tax being taken out immediately. Individuals who rely on pension and annuity payments cannot afford a decrease in their monthly income, and cannot wait until April to get their money back. Lastly, many individuals prior to this change did not need to file an income tax form. As a result, this has led to further inconvenience to our most at-need constituencies, who may not be able to afford a tax professional or have access to the services they need as a result of this policy change."

Klarides-Ditria added, "In 2017 we passed legislation that we thought would help the state of Connecticut by cutting down on unexpected tax liabilities, but we learned that this bill had many unintended consequences and we are now working to make a correction to this law. I think it's important that we fix P.A. 147 and not force taxpayers to file a W4P withholding certificate."

Prior to a 2017 law, P.A 147, taxpayers were allowed to instruct their plan administrators to withhold the appropriate amount of tax but did not require they do so. Taxpayers could choose to pay the full liability at the time they filed state income taxes.

To follow House Bill 5699 and to read written testimony visit cga.ct.gov.

This is a release from press secretary Spencer Rubin. 

Shamrock Shindig slated at Plumb Memorial Library in Shelton

SHELTON - Come join us for a Wee Bit of Fun at 11 a.m. March 2 as we celebrate St. Patrick's Day at Plumb! 
Wear your favorite shade of green at the "Shamrock Shindig" where we will hear a St. Patrick's Day story, create some crafts, play some party games and enjoy a lucky snack too! 
Open to kids 0-12 years old and their caregivers. Caregivers must remain with children for program duration.
Registration can be done in person, online (http://engagedpatrons.org/events.cfm?siteid=2661) or by phone (203)924-9461. ONLY children need to register; 20 spots and 5 for Wait List.
Plumb Memorial Library is at 65 Wooster St.

This is shared from the Shelton Library System Facebook page.

Recuperation journey: Seen through the window

  Quick capture of my morning visitor. 
  Have a great Tuesday.

Ansonia High Global Scholars Club raises funds for trip

The students are raising funds for their trip to Europe in April.