Friday, July 3, 2020

Naugatuck Valley Health District shares safety tips for food shopping, prep, grilling

Naugatuck Valley Health District: No COVID-19 associated deaths

Sharing a note from Jessica Stelmaszek, MPH, Director of Health, Naugatuck Valley Health District:
"There were 2 new [COVID-19] cases reported in the Valley today [Friday]. As we head into the holiday weekend, please remember that we must:  
  • continue to exercise caution through practicing social distancing,
  • wearing masks or face coverings in public, and 
  • washing our hands thoroughly and frequently.

I wish you all a happy and safe 4th of July holiday weekend!"

NVHD COVID_July 3.jpg

Valley United Way offers resources to help community with COVID-19 response

To provide up-to-date information for the community and give you resources to help during COVID-19, Valley United Way has created a Coronavirus resource page. 
This page includes links to national and local resources that you can utilize. 
Please feel free to use this resource to look for information about the virus, entertaining kids at home, help with your mental health, and more.

On this site, you will also find opportunities to donate to the Valley Community Response and Recovery Fund, and the Connecticut United Ways COVID-19 Response Fund.
If you have any resources you feel may be valuable to add on this page, please email:

Visit the webpage

This is shared from the Valley United Way's July newsletter.

Recuperation journey: Morning visitor

Quick capture through the window! 
Happy Friday.