Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Griffin, Agency on Agiing to host spiritual wellness talks in January

DERBY - Griffin Health and the Agency on Aging of South-Central Connecticut are hosting a series of spiritual wellness talks and free blood pressure screenings for seniors throughout the Valley in January.

Griffin Health Chaplain Eric Grimes will host a discussion about spirituality and aging. The talk will explore the way individuals’ relationships with aging and change affects their ability to embrace the beautiful persons they are, while finding new meaning in this unique stage of life. Griffin Health caregivers will also be offering free blood pressure screenings and consultations.

The events are scheduled for Jan. 2 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. at the Ansonia Senior Center; Jan. 6 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. at the Seymour Senior Center;  Jan. 22 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Shelton Senior Center; and , Jan. 23 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. at  Derby Neck Library.

These offerings are part of the AgeWell program which co-sponsored by Griffin Health and the Agency on Aging of South-Central Connecticut to increase access to care and prevent disease among the Valley senior community through a series of health screenings and healthy living education sessions each month. Periodically, this program provides nutritiously balanced and delicious foods for attendees.

Registration is required to attend the AgeWell events. 

To sign up, contact the location (Ansonia Senior Center: 203-736-5933; Seymour Senior Center: 203- 888-0406 ext. 1; Shelton Senior Center: 203-924-9324; and Derby Neck Library: 203-734-1492.

This is a press release from Griffin Health.

From the photo archives: Looking at the sky

A beautiful New Year's Day sunrise in 2023.

Happy 2025 to all!