Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

Monday's waxing gibbous moon floating between the lines.


'Turnback Tuesday' highlights pharmacy in downtown Derby

Turnback Tuesday looks at local business Shannon’s Pharmacy owned and operated by druggist James F. Shannon from 1900-1904 at 53 Sixth St., Derby. 

A pharmacy would carry items such as elixirs, potions, and tonics. Advertised in the store window is Moxie, a carbonated, mass produced soft drink, as well as malted milk, and ice-cream soda. 

This location remained a pharmacy until 1932. After Shannon was J.F. McGrail and then A. Indocci. The building still exists today.

Thanks goes to Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week!

Derby Neck Library to host science project fun on Zoom

Little ones are invited at noon Wednesday to join Miss Krissy on Zoom for some super science projects! 

Supply packs can be reserved by calling the library at 203-734-1492, but many projects will require household materials you’ll already have around. This program is targeted to ages 3+, but all are welcome! 

Sign up here for our Youth Services mailing list to receive the Zoom link: https://forms.gle/EUp2yRBLFNJVMnz17

This is shared from Derby Neck Library's Facebook page.

Derby Public Library announces Memorial Day holiday closing

DERBY - The Library building and all services will be closed on Monday, May 31 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.

Master's Table to offer 2 takeout dinners in June at Assumption Church hall in Ansonia