I really don't want to keep writing about pet peeves but on Saturday a driver angered me again.
And I think what happened is worth sharing to raise awareness.
My husband, Ralph, drives a wheelchair accessible van, as regular readers of our newsletter no doubt know.
He received a lovely note on his windshield Saturday because he took up two spaces in the East Main Street parking lot in Ansonia. It was so lovely that the writer felt the need to use the F Bomb to make his or her lovely point.
OK, sometimes when the parking is tight, or there are no handicapped spaces, Ralph needs to take up two spaces to drop the lift so he can exit the van.
I'd like to ask our friendly note writer how he or she would feel if someone they cared about needed to drive or be driven in a wheelchair van and someone was extremely rude to them.
This isn't the first time we've gotten a lovely note from a friendly driver. For some reason the F Bomb is always included. Interesting.
I know we're not the only family that deals with this nonsense.
Earlier this year a mom with a daughter who uses a wheelchair posted on an Ansonia Facebook page that someone constantly parked in the handicapped parking space at the Joel E. Smilow Clubhouse on Howard Avenue.
That person did not have a handicapped permit and his or her rudeness routinely made the mom's life and that of her daughter much more difficult.
By the way, my husband is chairman of the Ansonia Cultural Commission and was one of the main organizers of Saturday's Ansonia Harvest Festival.
He got the note after 11 hours of volunteering on Main Street during the fabulous fest.
Our family agrees anger only drains our energy and we should feel sorry for ignorant people who go through life being rude toward others.