Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Recuperation journey: From the spring photo archives

 Sharing from around the yard ~ May 2, 2020. 

Sharing memory of a moving event in 2019 for organ donors, recipients

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'Turnback Tuesday' (on Wednesday) highlights downtown Derby business

Turnback Tuesday's Derby business theme continues:

M & M Electronics (first image). Started by Raymond G. Maheu and James J. McMahon in 1963. They offered service and sales, and the building was located at 35 Minerva St. on the corner of 3rd and Minerva Streets (second image.)

The second photo was taken circa 1960. M & M Electronics only lasted a few years, then closed their doors in 1967.

Thanks to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

The Great Give 2023 online giving event to support local nonprofits has begun

Here's the Valley Indy's schedule for interviewing representatives of nonprofits and local officials: