... at 4:50 p.m. Fast-moving reflections of sunset colors.
Have a peaceful evening.
Sincerely, |
The 'Twelfth Night' celebration at the David Humphreys House in 2020 recently came up in my Facebook memories.
An old-fashioned Christmas last month at the Humphreys House
ANSONIA - The old-fashioned Christmas celebration at the David Humphreys House on Dec. 18, 2022 was a big success, Derby Historical Society publicity committee chairman Joseph DiRienzo said.
Preparing snacks! |
It featured Yuletide carolers, Christmas stories read by the fire, holiday games and crafts, gingerbread cookie decorating, hot chocolate, and colonial period snacks.
A costumed docent speaks with visitors. |
Learn more about what this means here:
https://www.doi.gov/pmb/eeo/mlk-day-service, and learn more about MLK and how his work has continued here:
This is shared from the Derby Neck Library Facebook page.