Tuesday, January 14, 2025

'Turnback Tuesday' highlights Derby's 300th celebration in 1975

Turnback Tuesday is remembering Derby’s 300th celebration in 1975. 

This year marks the 350th Anniversary for Derby. The image is of Mildred and Louis Pepe. Louis played a judge during the 10-day event for several Kangaroo Courts. He was a 1st ward Alderman for the City of Derby according to the City Directories from 1970 to 1972. 

The image was taken during the parade that was held on June 8, 1975. 

If you recognize anyone in this picture, please let us know so we can update our records.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week. 

Girls' 'Pink' basketball game at Ansonia High School to support teacher

ANSONIA - Please save the date for a Pink Game in support of Ansonia High School media specialist Pam Mudry!
Raffle basket tickets can be purchased in advance or donations can be made by following the QR Code or link below:
Raffle Baskets (you do not need to be present to win!)
**Please use the Flyer QR Code to purchase tickets**
Thank you!

This is shared from the City of Ansonia Facebook page.

Ansonia Nature and Recreation Center slates valentine-making workshop


TEAM Project Manna seeks volunteers to sort food shipments


Shelton Library System to close Jan. 20 to observe Martin Luther King Day


Create a valentine at Ansonia Nature and Recreation Center event


Recuperation journey 2.0: Looking at the sky

 ... at 6:45 a.m. when the moon looked like the sun.