Thursday, August 25, 2022

Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

 ... at 7:45 p.m. Have a peaceful evening.

Ansonia to host another fire engine Super Soak at Nolan Field


Dance party to benefit Blessing Pantry at Trinity Episcopal Church in Seymour

SEYMOUR - Join us Sept. 3 at Trinity Episcopal Church for a fun evening of dancing while the DJ spins your favorite tunes from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.
Enjoy snacks and drinks and win a prize for the best costume! As your entry ticket to the event, we ask for a good will offering to the Blessing Pantry.
The church is at 91 W. Church St.
Parking is available at Seymour Public Library. 
Questions? Call us at 203-888-6596 or email

This is shared from a Facebook event page.

Seymour Pink to welcome author at gift shop anniversary celebration


Derby Neck Library hosts once a month Sit and Social Story Times

DERBY - On the second Tuesday of every month through December, parents with little ones are invited to join us at Derby Neck Library for an afternoon story time followed by a social event in our Children’s Room! 
The first one will run from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Sept. 13.
The Library is at 307 Hawthorne Ave.

We’ll have a quick story time and guest speaker on a variety of topics, followed by a period of free play and socialization. 
Come learn alongside other parents and give your child (and yourself) a chance to socialize with others! 
Register for each date below:
And be sure to sign up for our Youth Mailing List here to stay in the loop on cancelations and other important info:

This is shared from the Library's Facebook page.

Daisy the Pig to visit The Children's Room at Ansonia Library