SEYMOUR - The Seymour Public Library, 46 Church St., has scheduled a variety of fun activities for children in December.
Dec. 4 - 10:30 a.m.– Lynn Lewis! With Special Appearance by Rudolph! Music & Movement – singing & dancing & fun for all ages!!
Dec. 6 - 4 p.m. – StoryKids’ Book Club for K-Gr 2. Book talks, craft and a snack. Child must have some reading ability.
Dec. 7 – 3:45 p.m. – Origami for YAs - come & create a great origami craft! Ages 10 & up
Dec. 11 - 10:30 a.m. – Science Snoopers ‘Seasons Senses!’ - Natural science, story and craft for ages 2 & up. Must be able to sit & listen.
Dec. 12 - 4 p.m.– Nutmeggers’ Book Club - YA -for grade 5 & up. - Book talk, craft, & a
snack - features the Intermediate Nutmeg Nominees.
Dec.13 – 10:30 a.m. - Preschoolers’ Winter Crafty Party! Refreshments, stories, games & crafts for all preschoolers! 0-6 years.
Dec. 13 - 4 p.m. – BookChatters’ Book Club for Gr 2-4. - Book talk, craft, and a snack - features the Magic Tree House Series.
Dec. 14 and 15 – Friday & Saturday All Day - Drop-In Winter Craft Table - Come in & Create!
All Programs Are Free! Fun! & Formative!
Some have limited enrollment; registration required for all.
For information call 203-888-3903, visit us on Facebook, or visit
This is a press release from Ann Szaley, head of children’s services, Seymour Public Library.