Monday, July 8, 2024

Griffin in Derby offers 'That's It - Learn to Quit' smoking cessation program

DERBY - Griffin Health offers education, advice, and support to help individuals prepare to quit smoking with upcoming sessions of its free tobacco cessation program.

“That’s It – Learn to Quit” teaches a variety of methods to help individuals quit smoking over the course of six weekly meetings. 

There will be a session held Tuesdays July 16-Aug. 20 from 10-11:30 a.m. at The Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital, 350 Seymour Ave. and another session set for Wednesdays July 17-Aug. 21 from 5:30-7 p.m. at Griffin Hospital, 130 Division St.

The program encourages participants to acknowledge and honor past successes in their goal to quit tobacco. 

The goal is to help individuals learn how to stop using tobacco without the guilt, shame, and fear of failure by teaching several different methods of quitting and managing nicotine withdrawal. 

Through group discussion and interactive activities, participants learn how to develop a quit plan that addresses their personal behaviors and habits. 

Strategies to manage nicotine withdrawal, behaviors, triggers, and urges are discussed as well as weight control and stress management.

Participants must be prepared to attend all six sessions. 

To register, visit or call 203-732-1369.

This is a press release from Griffin Hospital. 

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