Friday, January 17, 2025

From the photo archives: Looking at the sky

 Sunset on this date in 2019 taken from downtown Ansonia.

Kids can learn to play ukulele at Plumb Memorial Library program in Shelton

Learn to Play the Ukulele
Ages: 8 years and up
Day/Date: Tuesday, Jan. 28
Time: 5-6:30 p.m.
Location: Plumb Memorial Library, 65 Wooster St., Shelton
Have you ever been interested in learning how to play to the ukele? Great News! Plumb will be hosting Ukulele teacher extraordinare Ms. Julie Stepanek to teach interested strummers "the ins and outs of this fascinating strings instrument"!

NO previous ukulele playing is neccessary.
Ukeles and hands-on instruction will be provided for this program.
or call 203-924-1580.

This is shared from the Shelton Library System Facebook page.

Ansonia Board of Education selects couple as Charger Champions


Abundant Life [Fellowship Ministries] wishes to extend its congratulations to Bishop Ulysses Youngblood and Dr. Leslie Youngblood on their selection by the Ansonia Board of Education as Charger Champions!

This is shared from Abundant Life Fellowship Ministries' Facebook page.

Rochelle to meet with constituents Monday at Copper City in Ansonia


Save the date: Men Who Cook slated May 3 at Warsaw Park in Ansonia

From TEAM's Facebook page:

"Can you believe?? It's just around the corner! Mark your calendars for TEAM's Men Who Cook - happening on Saturday, May 3rd! More details to come!"

Friends of the Shelton Libraries to meet Saturday at Plumb Memorial

Plumb Memorial Library is at 65 Wooster St., Shelton. The meeting is open to the public.

Shared from the Shelton Library System Facebook page.

From the 'Turnback Tuesday' archives: Bennett family home

This week's "Turnback Tuesday" features a photo of the Bennett home. 

It was built in 1721 by one Y. Perry. Perry sold the house in 1736 to Harthow Bennett, father of Deacon Daniel Bennett. 

In 1781, Deacon Bennett served breakfast to Duc de Lauzun and a crew of his French officers after the troop of 600 soldiers spent the night on Sentinel Hill [in Derby]. 

Daniel Bennett was also the grandfather of Commodore Isaac Hull. The house was destroyed in 1890.

[First posted on this date in 2017.]

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.