Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Valley Community Foundation seeks inspirational photos of hope during pandemic

Reflecting on a year of living with COVID-19, The Valley Community Foundation is asking local residents for help by sharing their inspirational pictures from the past 12 months.

“In light of everything we have endured during this pandemic, our 2020 annual report will be about a year of resilience. Despite the challenges, life-adjustments, and adversity that so many have faced, there still remains hope and inspiration during such unprecedented times. We would like to see what inspired the members of our community this past year,” said VCF President & CEO Sharon Closius. 
“We are looking for snapshots of these messages of hope, encouragement, and love reminding us that we are in this together. That is why we are asking Valley residents to share their pictures so we can paint an accurate picture.”

Pictures can include yard signs thanking frontline workers, appreciation for first responders, inspirational messages in windows, words of encouragement written in chalk on driveways, images of hearts, and so on. 
Please send high resolution images in JPG format to VCF’s staff at contactus@valleyfoundation.org.

Out of an abundance of caution, the 2021 VCF annual reception will not be held in person because of COVID-19. VCF will again host the event in a digital format. 
The staff hopes to create a video montage of community-submitted pictures that reflects the resilience of the Valley community during this pandemic at the event.

About the Valley Community Foundation

Established in 2004, the Valley Community Foundation distributes $1.6 million in grants each year to support the local nonprofit sector and the people it serves.
VCF works in strong partnership with The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven (TCF), to promote philanthropy in Ansonia, Derby, Oxford, Seymour, and Shelton and receives a majority of its discretionary funding as a result of The Gates Fund and other preference funds at TCF that benefit the Valley. 
To learn how your gifts of cash, life insurance, appreciated stocks, bonds, real estate, and other assets can help to support the quality of life in the Valley, please visit the website at www.valleyfoundation.org or contact VCF President Sharon Closius, at sclosius@valleyfoundation.org or 203-751-9162.

This is a press release from the Valley Community Foundation.

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