Thursday, March 15, 2018

Recuperation journey: Ides of March

This time of year I think a lot about my late father. He passed away on March 11, 1976. 
Born in 1910, he graduated from Hillhouse High School in New Haven in 1928.

He was a Latin scholar in his youth back when the dead language was probably a required course in every high school! Just a guess. 

I try but it's not easy to imagine what life was like back in the 1920s. So long ago!
My father also was well versed in Shakespeare (see what I did there?) and one of his favorite expressions was "Beware the Ides of March," a quote from Shakespeare's tragedy,"Julius Caesar."

The famous term came to mean an unlucky day because the story is that a soothsayer warned Caesar to beware the Ides of March, the 15th of the month, in 44 B.C.
Caesar was stabbed to death 23 times by his friend, Brutus, and others on that very day.

Ironically my father was buried on March 15, the Ides of March. 
Naturally that fact stuck with me all these years. 
And each March 11 and March 15 I pause to remember my dad.

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