Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Klarides-Ditria: Tax Free Week runs from Sunday-Aug. 24

Dear friends and neighbors,

It feels like prices keep rising and we are paying more for everything we purchase, including food, clothing, and fuel.

Saving money is more important than ever, and with school only a few weeks away for some students, I want to remind you to take advantage of the upcoming “Tax Free Week,” which runs from Sunday, August 18 through Saturday, August 24.

Now is a great time to save on all of your kids’ back-to-school wear, both in stores and online.

This one-week event eliminates Connecticut’s 6.35 percent sales tax on clothing and footwear costing less than $100 per item. Since sales tax is calculated after the use of any coupons or discounts, if the final price per item is less than $100, the sale is exempt from taxes. Clothing or footwear under $100 put on layaway during this week are also tax-free.

Tax Free Week was first enacted in 2000 and applies to most clothing and footwear purchases intended for everyday use.

Goods not covered under the program include, but are not limited to: clothing or footwear specifically designed for athletic activities: football cleats, specialty boots for fishing, hiking, skiing and other activities, as well as wet suits, helmets and headbands, etc., and accessories like jewelry, handbags, luggage, umbrellas, wallets, watches, etc.

Please consult with your local retailer, or contact the Department of Revenue Services for a list of qualifying and non-qualifying items.

I hope you find this information helpful.


With school starting and thousands of children soon waiting at the end of their driveways or on the side of a road for the bus, I wanted to remind everyone to be careful on our public roadways.

When school is in session, drivers should use extra caution, especially near bus stops, schools, playgrounds, and athletic fields.

Safety tips for drivers:

  • State law prohibits passing a school bus with its lights flashing. Some school buses are equipped with cameras to record passing drivers.
  • Observe the no-passing law and expect the unexpected when traveling near school buses in school driveways.
  • Watch for children, especially when driving in neighborhoods with school zones.
  • Drive slowly.
  • Watch for children walking in the street, especially if there are no sidewalks in the neighborhood.
  • Watch for children playing and gathering near school bus stops.

Safety tips for parents and children:

  • Be waiting at your bus stop 5 minutes ahead of the scheduled pick up.
  • Wait 10 feet back from the road and wear visible clothing.
  • Always wait for the bus driver's head nod before boarding the bus or crossing the street. They're watching out for you!
  • If you can’t see the driver, then the driver can’t see you. Make visual contact!
  • If you drop something in the road, leave it. If it's important, make sure the bus driver knows you're about to bend down and possibly disappear from his/her sight.
  • If an important item ends up under the bus, do not retrieve it unless the driver gives you permission to do so.
  • Board the bus and quickly find a seat.
  • Avoid distracting the bus driver for anything other than an emergency.

I hope this information is helpful and I wish you all a safe and successful school year!



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