Friday, December 23, 2016

Seymour Pink seeks applicants for special license plate

We NEED YOUR help!
In mid-October,  we launched a new adventure for Seymour Pink, inc. The first breast cancer license plate here in the State of CT. The state of CT unfortunately is #1 in the nation for most breast cancer cases per year. In launching this project, we felt it would be a way for us to show support to those who have been victimized by this horrific diagnosis and to spread awareness of Seymour Pink and its mission in the FIGHT against breast cancer.
The Department of Motor Vehicles here in CT will not cut a new plate until the organization (in this case, Seymour Pink) has collected 400 PAID license plate applications. This is where we NEED YOUR help!
To date we have just over 100 PAID applications.
You do not have to live in Seymour to support this project. You need to have a vehicle registered or are newly registering  here in CT. It can be residential and or commercial; the fees are the same.
Below is a link  to some info about the application as well as a link to print out a copy of the application. If you need any assistance or questions, please feel free to contact us at
We are setting a tentative deadline of January 15th, 2017 to reach the needed 400 PAID applications.
This is such a HUGE endeavor for Seymour Pink, Inc. and the State of CT.
PLEASE help us!
Even if you are not personally interested, we would appreciate you helping by spreading the word so that we can reach our needed goal of 400 PAID applications!
I know we can do this!
Thank you.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Mary Deming

Mary Ellen LoGiudice

I applied for mine and I'm helping to spread the word!

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