Saturday, April 18, 2020

Derby Public Library posts Digital DIY 'Sink or Float' experiment for children

DERBY - As part of Digital DIY, the Derby Public Library staff is offering you a chance on Wednesday, April 22 to flex your STEM muscles with this easy, fun-filled, at-home experiment!

You will need-
-A plastic container or bucket with water
-a variety of items to test if they sink or float
-Some suggested items could be:
-Ice cubes
-utensils like a spoon or fork
-paper rolls
-aluminum foil

-Take your container and fill it half way with water
-Answer the questions labeled: ‘Before you start’ and write down your guesses
-Test each item that you have chosen one at a time and drop them into the water
-Observe which items floated and which ones sunk
-Answer the questions labeled: ‘After you’re done’
-If you want to do the experiment again, try using different items or try different sized items to see if their size changes the outcome

Before you Start Questions:
1. Which items do you think will float?
2. Which items do you think will sink?
3. Why do you think these items will float/sink?

After you’re Done Questions:
1. Were your predictions correct?
2. Look at the items that sank, do they have anything in common with one another?
3. Look at the items that floated, do they have anything in common with one another?

Finished the experiment? Show us how you did! Post a picture of the items you experimented with to our Facebook page!

*Information shared from a Facebook event page.

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