Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Seymour Congregational Church to host coffee house Feb. 28

Featured performer STILL RIVERS from 7-8 p.m. and open mic from 8-9 p.m.

Sip on a great cup of coffee, enjoy delicious treats, and soak in the relaxed atmosphere filled with music, and good vibes.

The church is at 45 Broad St., Seymour.

This is shared from a Facebook event page.

Seymour Public Library slates Story Squad fun for Grade 2 students

SEYMOUR - Join us at Seymour Public Library for book chats, a craft, and snacks!
The club is for children in Grade 2.
Registration is required. Please call 203-888-3903 or stop in to register. The Library is at 46 Church St.
We will not be reading a book before this first meeting, so just sign up and come on March 6!

This is shared from the Seymour Public Library Facebook page.

Plumb Memorial Library in Shelton to host Smalls & Smiles program

Smalls & Smiles

Ages: Babies: 6 months-1 year old
Day/Date: Friday, Feb.28
Time: 10-11 a.m.
Location: Plumb Memorial Library, 65 Wooster St., Shelton 

Babies and their caregivers are invited to a library play date! 

First, Miss Maura will read a board book, then it will be time for your baby and you to play and meet some new friends.

Registration is required. Register online
or call 203-924-1580 ext. 5108.

This is shared from the Shelton Library System Facebook page.

Valentine Bingo at Ansonia Senior Center rescheduled to Feb. 26


'Turnback Tuesday' features history of celebrating Valentine's Day

Turnback Tuesday wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day.
The origin of St. Valentine's Day is debated, but the month of February has long been celebrated as the month of love.
Countries all over the world celebrate in many different ways with their own traditions.
It is believed that Americans started exchanging handmade valentines in the early 1700s. The tradition grew and by the mid 1800s cards started to be mass produced. These cards would have images of cupid (the god of love), hearts, and flowers displaying signs of affection and love. The lovely postcard shown here dates from 1907-1915.

Derby Public Library has a collection of Valentine's Day Cards on display.

Thanks goes to Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting history each week.

Enjoy matinee showing of 'Wicked' today at Derby Public Library


St. Mary-St.Michael School to hold auction, dinner at AM Club in Derby