Friday, August 26, 2016

Derby's B.E.S.T. run/walk fundraiser slated on Greenway

DERBY - The annual 5K run, mile walk, and fun run to benefit Derby Public Schools will be held Sept. 24. 

The fundraiser is hosted by Walnut Hill Community Church on the Derby Greenway.

Read all about it here.

Cassetti visits kids on last day of YMCA summer program in Ansonia

Ansonia Mayor David S. Cassetti visited children Friday morning on the final day of the Valley YMCA summer camp. 
He told them about the 'Young Gloves' boxing program for children he is launching Sept. 1 at the Ansonia Armory.

Stay tuned for a story and more photos in an upcoming issue of The Valley Voice newsletter.

Newsletter highlights forum in Ansonia on race relations and policing

Dear readers,

Here's the link to our latest Valley Voice newsletter.

It features a story on a forum Wednesday in Ansonia that started a community conversation about race relations and policing.

Thanks for reading!

- Patti and Ralph