Saturday, June 3, 2017

Recuperation journey: Finally took a walk around the neighborhood

It was beautiful out this afternoon! And so nice to finally see the sun.

 Keep looking up ~ that's my motto.

Ansonia welcomes another new restaurant

Photo by Allegra Villers 
Thigh High Chicken Co. in Ansonia held its official grand opening Saturday. Mayor David S. Cassetti, fifth from left, helps owners and employees cut the ceremonial red ribbon outside the restaurant at 313 Main St. Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce President Bill Purcell, far right, was on hand to celebrate. 

Griffin Hospital in Derby to offer 2 programs on mental health

Griffin Hospital’s Community Health Resource Center will offer two programs on mental health in June. /Contributed photo

DERBY - Griffin Hospital’s Community Health Resource Center, 130 Division St. is offering two programs on mental health in June.

Dr. Ben Zigun, JD, MBA, chair of Griffin's Psychiatry Department, and Susan Cutillo, LCSW, LADC, MBA, director of Psychiatric Services will present “Let’s stamp out stigma: an overview of behavioral services at Griffin Hospital” on June 13 at 6 p.m. 
This talk is open to the community and will cover general topics in mental health as well as behavioral health services offered at Griffin Hospital.

On June 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., John Saccu, director of the Derby Bureau of Youth Services, and Lorrie McFarland, master level prevention educator with the Alliance for Prevention & Wellness, will present “Mental Health First Aid,” an eight-hour training course for those caring for individuals with behavioral health issues. 

The program teaches: 
Risk factors and warning signs of mental health concerns; Information on depression, anxiety, trauma, psychosis, and substance abuse; A five-step action plan to help someone developing a mental health concern or crisis; and Available evidence-based professional, peer, and self-help resources.

These programs are part of a series of free, educational forums hosted by the Community Health Resource Center in an effort to help improve the health of the community.

To register or for more information, call Kerry or Deborah, 203-732-7399.

The Community Health Resource Center at Griffin Hospital is a traditional library that provides an array of medical and health information, including a large collection of easy to read health and lifestyle related materials. 
The Center is open to the public to educate themselves on ways to enhance their well-being, prevent illness, and play an active role in decisions about their health.

This is a press release from Griffin Hospital.

Shred event to benefit restoration of Ansonia's first ambulance

Ansonia's first ambulance, a 1949 Buick./ File photo
ANSONIA - A document-shredding event to benefit Ansonia CD Rescue/Ansonia Rescue Medical Services will be held from 9 a.m.-noon June 17 at the Public Works Complex, North Division Street. 

The event is a fundraiser with donations accepted based on the amount shredded.

Funds collected will be earmarked toward the restoration of Ansonia’s first ambulance, a 1949 Buick.

This information is shared from an online community calendar sponsored by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and The New Haven Independent.