Saturday, July 8, 2017

Recuperation journey: Making a pie

Believe it or not, yours truly made a chocolate pie. 
Those who know about my minimal skills in the kitchen are no doubt surprised. 

But the recipe I happened upon looked so easy I had to give it a whirl. 
It only has three ingredients: chocolate, whipped topping, and chocolate cookie-flavored crust. 

Step 1 ^ Open packages.  :)

Step 2 ^ Mix.

... and finished product.

Looks good to me, but I never said it was good for you!

Learn about turtles, butterflies, mushrooms, more at Ansonia Nature Center

ANSONIA - The Ansonia Nature and Recreation Center, 10 Deerfield Road, offers a variety of fun and educational programs in August.

Enjoy your Sunday afternoon at the park on our guided hike. Explore the Redwing Pond and our meadows for these beautiful six-legged, four-winged insects. 

The guide will show you our native butterfly gardens and teach you the benefits of native plants to our Connecticut butterflies and dragonflies. 
FREE. Registration required. 

FULL STURGEON MOON HIKE – Aug. 6, 7:30 p.m.
The Native American fishing tribes are given credit for the naming of this Moon, since sturgeon, a large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water, were most readily caught during this month. Join our staff on a hike in our meadows to watch as this reddish moon rises. Each child must be accompanied by an adult. Number of participants is limited, please pre-register. 
FEE: $3 per person. Wear appropriate footwear. 

Join a foraging family who hunt, photograph, identify, and love to eat the fungi in New England for a discussion and walk at the Ansonia Nature Center. 
We will dispel common myths, learn how to safely identify mushrooms with visual clues and guidebooks, and discuss mycophagy, the cooking and eating of wild mushrooms. 
After the lecture we’ll walk the property to search for wild fungi and put our newly learned skills to the test.
FEE: $5. Registration required.

ROCKS IN SPACE: Perseid Meteor Showers – Aug. 12, 7 p.m.
Come to Ansonia’s darkest location for some unusual night sky viewing with Bob Carruthers and the New Haven Astronomical Society.  In addition to a chance to see the annual meteor showers, there will be a short talk about meteorites. 
You and your family will get to view and touch meteorites from around the world. This night will be the peak of the showers! 
No need to bring anything except for warm clothing and a chair. Telescopes and binoculars are not necessary. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 
FREE. Registration required.

TURTLE TALK – Aug. 26, 1 p.m.
Anthony Pierlioni is Senior Director of the TurtleRoom, an online radio show dedicated to these fascinating reptiles and the people who love them. 
He’ll share his knowledge and some turtle species with us.
He is a member of the Turtle Survival Alliance, Turtle & Tortoise Preservation Group, New York Turtle & Tortoise Society, and New England Herpetological Society, as well as the online sites,, and, where he can be found as Anthony P. 
You can contact him at
Registration required.

CATTAIL MAT WEAVING – Aug. 27, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.Sept. 2, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Join Ranger Dan for a two-part series on cattails. Week 1 we will begin to collectively work on a mat made from the cattail reeds, and week 2 we will add the finishing touches to our mat. Learn how Native Americans from the Eastern Woodlands would use these reeds! 
Pack a bag lunch, and be prepared for swampy conditions. 
This program is for adults only. FEE: $6 per person covers both weeks. Please call to register.


CREATURE FEATURE – Saturday at noon
Have you always wanted to pet a dove or hold a bearded dragon?  Here’s your chance!  Come meet the Nature Center’s Resident Animals every Saturday at noon!

GUIDED HIKESundays at 1 p.m.
Have you ever wondered where the owls nest or where the deer sleep?  Join an Ansonia Nature Center Park Ranger on a Guided Hike every Sunday!

MONDAY NIGHT TRAIL RUN – Mondays in August and September, 5:30-6:30 pm
This is a call to all of the runners who want something that is out of the ordinary! Ranger Dan will lead you through our 156-acre network of trails, while you burn off the weekend's extra calories. We guarantee that this FREE program is the best way to start off your week.  
Please register and wear appropriate footwear. 

FAMILY ORGANIC GARDEN PROGRAM – Tuesdays, August through November
ANC will be continuing family-friendly activities in our organic garden. Learn about growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. Dress appropriately; keep in mind you will get water and soil on your clothing. 
FREE, with the potential to take home fresh local produce! 

Please call 203-736-1053 to register for all programs.

This is a press release from the nature center.