Tuesday, September 24, 2024

'Turnback Tuesday' highlights construction of Derby Parking Garage

Turnback Tuesday looks back at construction of the Derby Parking Garage. It is located on the block of Elizabeth and Olivia Streets with the entrance on Thompson Place.
The groundbreaking ceremony was in July 1975 after the old buildings were removed. The contract was awarded to P. Francini Co. with the low bid of $1.45 million. It took just over a year to construct the three-story building with enough spaces for 301 vehicles.
According to the Evening Sentinel the final cost was $1,499.890. The ribbon cutting was held on October 21, 1976 with Mayor Edward Cecarelli, former mayor Eugene Micci, Aldermanic President Eugene Skowronski and Chair of the Parking Authority Salvatore Aconfora. Parking was free to the public for the first two weeks.
The first picture was taken standing on Olivia Street and the second was taken from Thompson. The images were a recent donation from the Farley/Guluzzy family.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

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