Thursday, September 26, 2024

From the 'Turnback Tuesday' archives: Derby's first mayor

This week's "Turnback Tuesday" features an image of Derby's first mayor, Thomas Jefferson O'Sullivan.

Although Derby was officially recognized by the state of Connecticut in 1675, it wasn't until after Ansonia's separate incorporation as a city in 1893 that Derby's current boundaries were set. And after which time Dr. O'Sullivan was elected mayor of the City of Derby.

Born in 1852 in Preston, O'Sullivan first attended medical school in Burlington, Vermont then eventually earned his medical degree in New York. After graduating in 1876, he practiced in Worcester, Mass. for two years before returning to Connecticut and setting up a new practice in Derby.

He remained in Derby until his death around 1900.

[This was first published on this date in 2017.]

Thanks as always goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

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