Wednesday, June 26, 2024

'Turnback Tuesday' (on Wednesday) highlights St. Mary's School in Derby

Turnback Tuesday visits the old St. Mary’s School that was located on the corner of Cottage and Elizabeth Streets.

The school was built/dedicated in 1897 with the 1st graduating class in 1901. Prior to the school being built, the students used the basement of the church.

The first image shows the crossing bridge connecting different sections of the school. The second image is of two girls attending the school with their backs towards Cottage Street under that crossing bridge.

In 1953, a new school was built, and the old one was removed in 1969, where the parking lot of the church is today.

These photos are a recent donation to the Library in memory of the Farley family. Images were taken in the early 1950s.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

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