Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ice fishing class slated in Ansonia

ANSONIA - The Ansonia Armory, 5 State St., will be the place to be at 6:30 p.m. Thursday to learn about ice fishing.

The free, two-hour class will focus on equipment, safety, and rules.

The Ansonia Recreation Department, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, and Connecticut Aquatic Resources Education (CARE) are sponsoring the program.

Call Dave to register, 203-231-0946.

This information is from an online community calendar sponsored by the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and the New Haven Independent. 

Health in the spotlight at Ansonia Middle School fair

 Edi May Macri of Milford, owner of Bikram Yoga in Shelton, talks to a parent about the benefits of yoga at a recent holistic health fair held for seventh graders at Ansonia Middle School.
Ansonia Middle School health teacher Lisa Nicolari said the idea behind the fair was to demonstrate to students that ultimately they determine their own well-being. She said she teaches them that the choices they make now will have an effect on their future health.

The event for seventh graders focused on physical, intellectual, social, and emotional health. It also taught stress and time management techniques and problem solving.

Nicolari said unified arts teachers - art, music, health, consumer technology, and physical education - and special education teachers participated in the fair. Parents were invited to the event in an effort to increase their involvement with the school, she said.

Art teacher Ashley Preneta's students created an exhibit that talked about the benefits of art therapy.

Music teacher Matt DeSorbo discussed the use of music therapy and how it can help people with autism, emotional disorders, and physical disabilities lead fuller lives.

Myra Odenwaelder, Director, Rehabilitation Services Department at Griffin Hospital in Derby, spoke about 'backpack strategies' aimed at preventing problems heavy backpacks cause and distributed information from The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Odenwaelder said the slogan she wants students and parents to remember is "Pack it Light, and Wear it Right." She weighed students' backpacks and said one girl was carrying a "14-pound bag."

The effect of alcohol consumption on the body was the subject of a demonstration by Lorrie McFarland, prevention coordinator, Greater Valley Substance Abuse Action Council, a program of BHcare in Ansonia. She said alcohol consumption leads to poor judgment and loss of coordination.
Students had an opportunity to don "goggles" that simulate feelings of being drunk.

Seventh grader Lizette Herrschaft said when she wore the goggles "it was hard to walk." Classmate Cedreya Lanier said she "got very dizzy" when she tried them out.

Students' posters lead the way to the fair held in the gym.

Kudos to the teachers who organized this community event. There was a lot of good information offered to visitors. 

And a big thank you goes out to Ansonia Middle School Co-Principal Terri Goldson for sending me these photos, since I had a camera "issue" that morning.