Thursday, August 15, 2024

From the 'Turnback Tuesday' archives: Posted on this date in 2015

This week's "Turnback Tuesday" features a photo of Ebenezer Johnson's house.

It was located on New Haven Avenue near Sodom Lane. Johnson was one of the early settlers of Derby, having moved here in 1667.

In 1685, he was made Lieutenant of the Derby Train Band, a military training facility for local citizens to prepare them for "Indian problems." And in 1675 when the United Colonies of New England declared war on the Narragansett Indians, Johnson was a prominent fighter.

He became mostly known, however, for his release of Toby, a Native American slave. Ebenezer Johnson died sometime in the mid 1700s.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

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