Derby Neck Library to hold Zentangle art workshop

DERBY - Join Rosemarie Main at 6 p.m. July 13 at Derby Neck Library in creating Zentangle art pieces in an in-person, two-hour workshop in our Community Room! 

Zentangle is a meditative form of art set in a peaceful environment using repetitive patterns to create the unexpected. 

Our instructor is certified with years of experience. All supplies will be provided free of charge.

Registration in advance is required:

The Library is at 307 Hawthorne Ave.

This is shared from the Library's Facebook page.

Ansonia Police Department congratulates dispatcher on her retirement

Patricia Rowley 

The Ansonia Police Department would like to congratulate Dispatcher Patricia Rowley on her retirement from the police department. Patty served for 26 years as a dispatcher, working the midnight shift making sure our officers received all the necessary information to respond to their calls safely and efficiently. With the limited food options available to those working overnight, she also made sure we were well fed. Thank you for your service Patty, have a happy, healthy and long retirement.
This is shared from the Ansonia Police Department Facebook page.

Update: Festival to include Sunday at St. Mary's Church grounds in Derby

UPDATE: The festival has been expanded to include July 23 from 11 a.m.-4 p.m.