Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

 ...  about 15 minutes before sunset. Have a peaceful evening.

NHSO violinist to perform Saturday at Ansonia Library's storybook concert

ANSONIA - Here is the perfect way to kick off Mother's Day weekend: 

The New Haven Symphony Orchestra is visiting for the Library's Creating Musical Readers Series at 11 a.m. Saturday. The Library is at 53 S. Cliff St.

Join us and hear the beautiful sounds of the violin and listen to the story of Lon Po Po. Perfect for all ages! 

Register here: https://forms.gle/GPJDtGUfGkPTtK9G6

This is shared from the Library's Facebook page.

4 Derby students receive CABE Student Leadership Awards

DERBY - The Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Matthew J. Conway Jr., recently recognized four students for receiving the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education Student Leadership Awards. 

These students received this award for their leadership, specifically in the areas of taking on challenges, making difficult decisions, concern for others, working well with others, and diplomacy.

Derby High School students Cayla Cayer-McCarthy and Alysa Cayer-McCarthy, along with two students from Derby Middle School, Alexandra Karaleva and Colton Shields, were recognized at the May 2 Board of Education meeting. 

Board chairman Jim Gildea said, “On behalf of the Derby Board of Education I would like to congratulate the students who have received the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education Student Leadership Awards. Our school system continues to produce positive results and outstanding students. These students are well deserving of this award as they have shown a consistent ability to be outstanding students, leaders, and well-rounded individuals. Our students continually show just how special of a place the Derby School system is. These students are certainly well deserving and we are proud of them.”

Conway said, “Receiving this recognition is a testimony to their ability to work with others, lead with others and set the standard for all. These are leadership skills they model in everything they do in school at home and in this great community.”

CABE Area 7 Director and Board of Education member George Kurtyka said, “The CABE Student Leadership Awards Program is designed to honor Connecticut High School and Middle School students who exhibit exemplary leadership skills. Two students from each school, in a CABE member district, are eligible to receive the CABE Student Leadership Award. 

"Derby is fortunate to have two students from our Derby High and Derby Middle Schools that meet, and in my opinion exceed, their leadership skills. Congratulations to our students!"

This is a press release from Derby Public Schools.

'Turnback Tuesday' features entrepreneur in Birmingham

Turnback Tuesday looks at a gentleman named Isaac J. Boothe.

Isaac was quite the entrepreneur. In 1886, he and Sheldon H. Bassett started a business called Birmingham Wire Nail Works. This partnership only lasted one year. Isaac remained the proprietor and then changed the name to National Keg & Box Co. in 1889.

The business was located at 117 Main St., Birmingham. In 1891, he added the company Star Reel Works. By 1893, he moved both businesses to 90 Main St. In 1898, the name was changed to Eastern Lumber & Box Co which it remained until Isaac's death in 1903.

The above photo is of an order confirmation letter dated Dec. 30, 1890 to a Mr. Arthur A. Rice of New York.

Thanks goes to Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.