Monday, February 20, 2023

Massaro Community Farm in Woodbridge to host beekeeping workshops

Beekeeping is back at Massaro! Offering multiple classes March-September. See below for class description.
These workshops are focused on hobbyists, backyard beekeepers and those considering beekeeping; all levels welcome. 
Suggested donation is $10 per person at the door.
At 10 a.m. March 25 - Package and Nuc installation; if temps allow we will perform a hive inspection.

This is shared from a Facebook event page.

Seymour High School Dance Team wins plaudits on victories

Sharing from Office of the First Selectwoman of Seymour Facebook page:

"Congratulations SHS Dance Team they took
1st Place in Pom
1st Place in Kick Line
And won a Special Judges Award for Professionalism At the Wildcat Dance Off at NFA"

Great job, dance ladies!

Seymour Public Library to host lecture by avid gardener

Tovah Martin 

SEYMOUR - Seymour Public Library will host a free, in-person lecture, Maximizing Space in the Garden - Creating More of a Good Thing by Tovah Martin at 1 p.m. March 11.

No matter if you're gardening in a close-knit neighborhood or a vast area, you want to garden efficiently, prolifically, sustainably, and beautifully. This lecture focuses on all the points on your checklist.
Martin is an avid gardener and the author of many gardening books.
She has appeared on numerous television shows including the Martha Stewart show, a PBS television series, and the CBS Sunday Early Show.
Her website is

Registration is not required. Call 203-888-3903 for more information. The Library is at 46 Church St.

This is shared from the Library's Facebook page.