Friday, December 16, 2022

City to hold parade Saturday honoring state champion Ansonia Chargers

From the Ansonia Chargers' Facebook page:

"Weather looks great tomorrow for the parade honoring the state champion Ansonia Chargers football team.

"Parade starts at 10:30 on Main Street.

"Come out and support this great group of young men!"

Recuperation journey: Saturday excursion to Stockbridge

The historic Red Lion Inn on Main Street in Stockbridge, Mass.

  The Inn gift shop entrance. I didn't dare venture inside!

I invited my son on a day trip last Saturday to celebrate his often-overshadowed Thanksgiving week birthday. 

It saddens me that for years his special day seemed to get lost in the Turkey Day shuffle.

So we put our heads together, came up with a few places to visit, and decided on Stockbridge, a town just over the state line.

The weather cooperated - it was cold but sunny. 

The historic Red Lion Inn - operating since 1773 - is one of the focal points along Main Street. We were too late for lunch - we had visited the nearby Norman Rockwell Museum first - and we were two hours too early for dinner! So dining there wasn't meant to be. 

Quoting from the Inn's website: "Among noted guests are five presidents: Cleveland, McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Coolidge, and Franklin Roosevelt. Other guests have included Nathaniel Hawthorne, William Cullen Bryant, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Thornton Wilder and more modern legends from John Wayne to Bob Dylan."

We strolled along Main Street and took some photos, but we forgot our plan to take a selfie. I did, however, happen to catch Cameron's reflection in a shop window.

We visited the beautiful Norman Rockwell Museum that's only a short drive away from downtown.

It was fascinating to browse through a room filled with Rockwell's Saturday Evening Post magazine covers. He had created 323 of them over a 47-year period.  

Since it's the Christmas season I was drawn to the ones featuring Santa, some of which are below:

We walked through several rooms containing Rockwell's original art works, many of them instantly recognizable. 
It was a fascinating museum that we plan to revisit someday. 
If you enjoy history and want to take a step back in time take a trek to Stockbridge, you won't be disappointed. 

Note: This post is just for fun and is not a paid endorsement!

Derby Police ask for public's help in locating vehicle involved in hit and run

DERBY - At approximately 9:21 p.m. last night (THUR DEC 15) a pedestrian was struck by a motor vehicle on Division Street near the railroad crossing, police said in a Facebook post Friday.
The vehicle subsequently evaded the accident. Ambulance transported the victim to the hospital where he remains in critical condition.
The vehicle was likely traveling North on DivisIon Street (coming from Pershing Drive).
If there is anyone with ANY information or who may have been in that area at 9:21 p.m. we ask that you PLEASE call the Derby Police Department at (203) 735-7811.
Calls may remain confidential.
Thank you for your help.

This is shared from the Derby Police Department Facebook page.

Ansonia Nature Center welcomes new Ranger to staff

Maria Schreiner

Please join us at the Ansonia Nature and Recreation Center in welcoming our newest Ranger, Maria Schreiner. 

We’re so excited to have Ranger Maria as part of our talented staff. Keep a lookout for her special programs and classes which will be soon to come. Welcome aboard, Ranger Maria!

This is shared from the Center's Facebook page.