Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Recuperation journey: Fall foliage find

I'm still waiting for more trees in the Valley to show off their fall finery! 

'Turnback Tuesday' features tie from Derby's 300th anniversary celebration

Turnback Tuesday has another item from the celebration of Derby’s 300th anniversary in 1975 that lasted 10 days.

Many men who attended or worked the event wore this tie. This particular tie was worn by George Berman, a local merchant in Derby. George worked at H. Berman & Sons Inc. at 284 Main St. He retired as President of the company in 1975.

This tie was a recent donation from the Berman family.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

Plumb Memorial Library in Shelton to host graphic novel book club

SHELTON - Students in Grades 5 and 6: Are you graphic novel fans? Join our Graphic Novel Book Club!

Pick up the monthly graphic novel and read it at home. The night of the book club bring your own bagged dinner AND your copy of book (Please read the book PRIOR to attending our meeting).

Date: Oct. 25 from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Location: Plumb Library's Reading Room in the original part of the Plumb Memorial Library

Book: Roller Girl by Victoria Jameison

Caregivers must remain at Plumb Library for program duration. 
Copies of the book are available for check-out at Plumb.

Registration is required: https://engagedpatrons.org/EventsExtended.cfm?SiteID=2661&EventID=472580&PK=

***Please indicate on registration if your child has any food allergies and what they are.
*Book Discussion *Book Activities + Dessert provided by the library.

This is shared from the Shelton Library System Facebook page.