Thursday, September 15, 2022

Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

Mid-September and sunset is getting earlier and earlier! 

Ansonia High School Girls Soccer to hold 'Shake the Can' fundraiser

DERBY - Ansonia High School Girls soccer team  will hold a 'Shake the Can' fundraiser from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday at Heav'nly Donuts, 653 New Haven Ave.

This is shared from a Facebook event page.

Seymour Historical Society to host author's talk on 1-room schoolhouses

SEYMOUR - Few things evoke nostalgia like the one-room schoolhouse. By the 1850s, about 1,600 small schoolhouses dotted Connecticut, located so that no child would have to walk more than two miles to attend class. 

In this program, author Melinda Elliott will discuss highlights from her book, “Connecticut Schoolhouses Through Time.” 

She’ll talk about the state’s earliest public schools, show photos of classic buildings, and explain how the appearance and location of a schoolhouse provided insights into the community that built it. Finally, she’ll offer updates on efforts to preserve these important pieces of Connecticut history. 

This is shared from Seymour Historical Society's Facebook page.