Indiana mother's story underlines importance of living organ donation

This is shared from Facebook post

A distant cousin who I've only met through Facebook posted this story about an Indiana woman who shares my maiden name and, unfortunately, the same disease.

Kelly MacDonald Rice, 42, is a mother of two who desperately needs a kidney. 
Like me, she is living with Polycystic Kidney Disease, and my heart went out to her.
I inherited the disease from my father's (McDonald/ MacDonald) side. I call it the family curse. He and four of his siblings had PKD. Several cousins also have/had it.
I was extremely fortunate to receive a kidney five years ago from an altruistic donor, Robin Gilmartin. I'll be forever grateful to her for her life-changing gift.  
I messaged Kelly yesterday and learned she had started dialysis treatments last week.

Please read her story and, if you're able, consider becoming a living organ donor. You'll be giving someone a new lease on life.

Freshman Academy to start Tuesday at Ansonia High School

Freshman Academy begins tomorrow, August 16, and continues on Wednesday, August 17 from 7:00 am to 11:45 am. A modified bus transportation schedule for Freshman Academy is posted on the website and has been sent through Parent Square.

All parents are asked to join the Ansonia High School Administration on the first day of Freshmen Academy, August 16 in the auditorium at 8 a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to provide parents with a Parent 101 Course to help you navigate the next four years of high school with your child.

This is shared from the Ansonia Public Schools' Facebook page.

Derby Neck Library to host story, play time Tuesday for babies

DERBY - Derby Neck Library will host a special story and playtime Tuesday just for babies and toddlers! 
We'll start with some songs, stories, and lap bounces, followed by 20 mins or so of free play! We'll have interactive toys perfect for those practicing tummy time up to those learning to stand and walk, such as shakers, interactive mats, water tables, and more!
This program is targeted to ages Birth – 3, but older siblings are welcome, too! 
No registration required, but sign up for our Youth Services mailing list to stay in the loop on cancellations by clicking here:

The Library is at 307 Hawthorne Ave.

Nashville Drive to perform Tuesday at Jackson Cove in Oxford

OXFORD - Bring your lawn chairs, pack your picnic baskets and come sit back, relax, and enjoy great music Tuesday at 40 Jackson Cove Road. (no alcohol please) 

Light refreshments will be for sale.
Concerts are free to the public and beach permit restrictions will be waived at 5:30 p.m. on concert nights.
Concert begins at 6 p.m.

Cancellation Line: 203-888-2543, Press 3 then 1
Announcements will be made by 4 p.m. the day of the concert in the event of cancellation due to weather.

This is shared from a Facebook event page.