Paranormal investigator to present New England Legends at Derby Public Library

**Due to unforeseen paranormal circumstances beyond our control, this event has been postponed to August 22 @ 6:30 PM**
DERBY - LIVE and IN-PERSON at Derby Public Library. 
Based on Jeff’s popular weekly podcast and his Emmy-nominated television series on PBS and Amazon Prime, the program presents highlights from his own adventures and work. The bizarre is closer than you think!
For over 20 years, Jeff has been exploring the unexplained. He seeks out history, folklore, ghosts, monsters, and legends all over the world and in your backyard. 
New England Legends offers a tour of haunts, monsters, aliens, and weird history from our region. Drawing from a library of hundreds of legends, this program is different every time it’s given.
The Library is at 313 Elizabeth St.
Registration is requested at
For more info on Jeff, please visit

This is shared from the Derby Public Library Facebook page.

'Turnback Tuesday' highlights Derby Savings Bank in 1893

Turnback Tuesday takes a rare look at the inside of the Derby Savings Bank, 163 Main Street (images taken 1893.)

The first [top] image looks in from the front entrance. The tellers’ windows are to the right in the back, with the safe located in the back left.

The second image is looking from overhead of the tellers' windows.

The big doors to the left are the front entrance, and the safe is around the wall to the right. William E. Downs was President, David Torrance, Vice President, and Thomas S. Birdseye, Secretary & Treasurer.

Photo courtesy of the Berman Family.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

My Sister's Place thrift store in Ansonia posts weekly sales

My Sister's Place thrift store is located at 380 Main St., Ansonia.

All proceeds benefit BHcare's The Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services.

This is shared from My Sister's Place Facebook page.

Learn about black bears at presentation Thursday at Ansonia High School

UPDATE ON LOCATION: At 6 p.m. Thursday, Animal Control Officer Jeanie Roslonowski will be hosting a Wildlife Seminar at Ansonia High School.
It will be a Black Bear presentation by Felicia Ortner, CT Master Wildlife conservationist and Allison Matula, CT licensed Wildlife Rehabber and CT NWCO , the role of a Rehabilitator.
This event is free and open to the public. Surrounding towns are also welcome. Hope to see you at Ansonia High School Thursday at 6 p.m.

This is shared from the City of Ansonia Facebook page.