Tuesday, January 18, 2022

'Turnback Tuesday' features Union Hotel in East Derby

Turnback Tuesday visits the East side of Derby.

The Union Hotel at 81 Front St. was operated for a short period of time by proprietor Edward LaRue Joslyn. Edward was a man of many endeavors and talents. He was a dentist in 1883, then in 1886 became a dealer in second hand furniture at the Front Street location. According to the City Directories he was solely running the Union House in 1889.

Edward then became an auctioneer. In 1893, he moved his business to Caroline Street as an auctioneer and pawn broker. The Union Hotel ran with Edward as proprietor for four years. The location of the hotel was where St. Michael's Church stands today.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week.

Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

The moon is in waning gibbous phase, 100 percent illumination.

Beacon Falls Public Library offers teen Take & Make journal fun

BEACON FALLS - Beacon Falls Public Library offers a teen/young adult Take & Make: Decorate and then wreck your journal! 
Inspired by Keri Smith's books, receive a journal and 100 prompts with ideas on how to get creative!

Space is limited, registration is required.
For more information, email KVardon@biblio.org

The Library is located at 10 Maple Ave., Beacon Falls.  

This is shared from the Library's Facebook page.

My Sister's Place thrift shop in Ansonia offers weekly sales

My Sister's Place thrift shop is located at 380 Main St., Ansonia.

All proceeds benefit BHcare's The Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services.

Ansonia Nature Center slates animal adaptations program

Big picture

ANSONIA - Ansonia Nature and Recreation Center will present an Animal Adaptations program at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 22.

During this lesson, your children will learn what animals, as living organisms, do to survive through the cold and winter conditions. 
They will learn about how animals adapt to frigid temperatures and are able to conserve body heat. Different types of animals adjust in different ways, using their protective coverings, such as feathers, fur, and even layers of fat, which help insulate them against the cold environment. 
Join Ranger Dawn and do an experiment called “The Blubber Glove” and if weather permits we’ll take a hike too! Dress for the weather. Please register in advance at ansnaturectr@ansoniact.org
The Nature Center is at 10 Deerfield Road.

This is shared from the Nature Center's newsletter.