Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

 Sunset reflections ...

and swirls. Have a nice evening.

Children can read to French Fry Oct. 9 at Beacon Falls Public Library

French Fry loves attention and stories- sign up for a 15 minute spot to read Fall or Halloween storybooks to him. 

Need a little help reading the story you picked out? Miss Kerri will be there to help you along if you need it.

Space is limited. Registration is required. We will have some pre-selected books for each reading level ready to choose from, or pick your own favorite storybook.

Want to read to French Fry? 

Sign up for a time here:

This is shared from the Library's Facebook page.

Seymour Public Library to host Halloween cupcake decorating fun for kids

SEYMOUR - Seymour Public Library will host a fun evening of decorating your own cupcake! All supplies will be provided.

This program has limited space and is for children 5 and older.
Registration is REQUIRED.
Properly worn face masks are required for everyone over the age of 2 to participate.
For more information and to register, please call the library at 203-888-3903. The Library is at 46 Church St.

This is shared from the Library's Facebook page.