Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

 ... on a beautiful late afternoon. Our backyard view never disappoints.

Ceremony on Derby Green Saturday to mark 20th anniversary of Sept. 11 attacks

This is shared from the Derby Fire Department Facebook page:

"As you are aware the City of Derby was able to secure from the Port Authority a small piece of steel from the World Trade Center. The steel was placed atop a monument located on the Derby Green (Elizabeth Street side). 
"Each year members of the Valley Emergency Services host a remembrance service to those who died during the attacks.
"In honor of the 20th anniversary, we will be hosting our annual remembrance service at the Derby Green starting at 1600 hrs on the 11th [4 p.m Saturday].
"In addition to the remembrance service, we will also be posting an honor guard at the memorial starting at 0846hrs. The honor guard will be posted for 413 minutes, this is 1 minute to honor each of the 413 Firefighters, Police Officers, and EMS members killed on 9/11."

Derby Neck Library to host Gadgets & Gizmos via Zoom

DERBY - Join this Zoom program hosted by Derby Neck Library and see Miss Krissy demonstrate basic, everyday STEAM projects you can do at home with thingamabobs you have lying around! 

Supply packs will be available via curbside pickup every week beginning on Saturdays. 
The Library is located at 307 Hawthorne Ave.
Links will be provided for more info, and a chat will be available for questions. Let’s see what WE can create!
This event is hosted on our Google Classroom!
Classroom Code: auxndrb
*For safety reasons, the Google Classroom is only open to students and teachers in the Derby Public School System at this time. 
If you are not part of the Derby Public School System and wish to take part, register for our Youth Services mailing list here or call the library at 203-734-1492! 

This is shared from the Derby Neck Library Facebook page.

Recuperation journey: Around the yard - Part 56

I watched this guy this morning as he tried to catch something flying by.