Sunday, June 27, 2021

Derby Public Library to host storytelling program Monday via Zoom

DERBY- Storytelling is a learned skill, applicable in a wide range of situations from professional settings to family celebrations. 
Learn how to do it successfully at 6:30 p.m. Monday from a 4-time Moth champion storyteller in an online program hosted by Derby Public Library.
* learn tips and tricks for effective storytelling
* examine your life for experiences to transform into stories
* tell stories that will have your audience captivated
* never dread giving a toast again!

Terry Wolfisch Cole is a four-time Moth champion storyteller and the founder of Tell Me Another, a true live storytelling show based near Hartford. 
Listen to Terry’s championship story and learn how to tell your own, with flair and style.
Register to receive Zoom link. 

This is shared from the Derby Public Library Facebook page.

CT Works Career Coach to return to Derby Public Library

DERBY - The American Job Search Career Coach will be back July 15 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Derby Public Library, 313 Elizabeth St.

Register for the 10-12 session, or for the 1-3 session.

The Career Coach provides free computer and Internet access for job related activities.

CT Works staff offer suggestions of the more popular Internet job search sites as well as resume critique for those with existing resumes. Career Resources Inc.

This is shared from the Derby Public Library Facebook page. 

Shelton Library System slates Jedi Training at Derby-Shelton Rotary Club Pavilion

Jedi Training on July 24

Sessions from 1:30-1:50 p.m. and 2-2:20 p.m. 

SHELTON - Travel to a galaxy far, far away and learn to become a Jedi! 

The Masters of the Kessel Temple are ready to train new Padawan to become the next generation of Jedi. 

Training will be held at the Derby-Shelton Rotary Club Pavilion, 100 Canal St.

Register now for a 20-minute session:

1:30 p.m.  session:

2 p.m. session:

This is shared from Shelton Library System's Facebook page.