Sunday, January 24, 2021

Recuperation journey: It's always something

Not a good place for a vehicle to give out.

Feeling stressed, yet blessed.

With all that is going on in the world I've been feeling stressed - I realize I'm certainly not alone! It has been a wild 11 months.

But knowing I have caring family and friends  makes me feel blessed.

Yesterday afternoon I was driving our wheelchair accessible van on Division Street after filling the gas tank. 

We had just had a new fuel pump installed the day before. I thought all was OK but alas it was far from it. 

The van died as I was about to go over the train tracks. Everything was off so I couldn’t even put on my hazard lights. 

Local readers know just how much non-stop traffic there is on Division Street on a Saturday afternoon! 

I hopped out of the car, not knowing when the train would be coming by. Three guys stopped to help to no avail.

I am grateful I had my phone with me and was able to reach the place where the van was serviced the day before! 

When I told the owner where I was he immediately drove over with the tow truck and rescued my van … and me. 

I’m feeling very blessed that nothing bad happened. It was a little scary but it all worked out. 

Long story short, more work needs to be done on the van Monday. A new alternator perhaps? 

Recuperation journey: Sunday sunset

  Nature's colors. Taken with cell phone on my 'brisk' walk. 

Virtual Pokémon game slated Monday at Derby Neck Library

DERBY - An online Pokémon trading card game is on tap at 4 p.m. Monday at Derby Neck Library.

Have your cards on hand if you own any, but just like our in-person version, they are not necessary-- you just need a love of all things Pokémon! 
Join us for a look at some of the newest cards, "Who's that Pokémon," and more! Afterwards, players who have their own decks can split off into separate meeting rooms to battle!
This event is hosted on our Google Classroom!
Classroom Code: auxndrb
*For safety reasons, the Google Classroom is only open to students and teachers in the Derby Public School System at this time. 
If you're not from Derby and would like to attend, please send us a message [on Facebook] to be added to our mailing list! 
You will receive a meeting link shortly before the event starts.

This is shared from a Facebook event page

Derby Public Library to host career strategies presentation via Zoom

Mark Danaher

DERBY - Derby Public Library will hold a virtual program, Making a Successful Career Pivot, presented by career coach Mark Danaher from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Feb. 1.

You have probably been thinking: am I in the right job or career? 
Should I pivot internally or externally to find something better? Is there more opportunity waiting for me? Is my career safe? 

Mark Danaher, Career Coach, Careers By Design, LLC, shares eight strategies to build your resilience to adjust to a career change and to evolving market demands. 
By the end of the presentation, you will learn ways to grow as a professional. Be ready for change and opportunity.

Registration is required for this program online and will be conducted through Zoom. 
To download Zoom, visit your app store or download from to register for a free account. 
Note: Prior to the event, you will receive a reminder email with the Zoom meeting details and link.

This is shared from a Facebook event page.