Recuperation journey: Autumn colors found

 This beautiful burst of fall foliage gracing the entrance to the Ansonia Riverwalk caught my eye Wednesday when I was stopped at a red light. The vibrant hues brightened an otherwise dreary morning on this Veterans Day. 

Derby business donates restoration work for sign at David Humphreys House

Contributed photo

ANSONIA - The Derby Historical Society recently placed an appeal to the public for restoration of its landmark sign at 37 Elm St.
Executive Director Daniel Bosques said Wednesday he had wonderful news - with the help of the City of Ansonia's resources.

"JRD Restoration in Derby today notified the DHS that they will donate the restoration of the David Humphreys House sign!" Bosques said. You can check them out here:"

Bosques said the Society needs someone with the ability to remove the sign and pitch in and help. 
The David Humphreys House is a National Historic Landmark and one of Connecticut's oldest buildings.

If you or someone you know is interested in helping, call 203-735-1908 or email info@derbyhistorical.

This is a press release from Dan Bosques, executive director, Derby Historical Society.

Klarides-Ditria: Veterans can view annual ceremony in Middletown via Zoom

Dear Neighbors,

Today, we observe Veterans Day and pay tribute to the unbroken line of brave citizen soldiers going back to the Revolutionary War who stepped forward and served our great nation in times of peace and armed conflict. 
We honor the brave men and women who fought to preserve freedom for each successive generation.

While traditional gatherings should be avoided because of COVID, we can still commemorate the day by reaching out to Veterans by phone, text, or email and thanking them for their service. I hope you will join me in honoring their service to our great nation, by attending the virtual ceremony below or sharing the list of discounts provided to veterans.

Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Day Ceremony

This year, the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affair’s annual Veterans Day Ceremony will be held at the Middletown State Veterans Cemetery, 317 Bow Lane in Middletown at 2 p.m. today.

The ceremony will comply with all COVID-19 restrictions, guidance and executive orders. Commissioner Saadi welcomes all of Connecticut’s veterans, their families and friends to join virtually. This ceremony will stream live via Zoom Meeting.

You can join the Zoom meeting here.

Meeting ID: 986 7749 7482 Passcode: 3iaz2X

Discounts for Veterans

The Department of Veterans Affairs has provided us with a list of restaurants and attractions that offer discounts to veterans, both on Veterans Day and every day. 
To view the full list, please click here.


Sharing FB memory from photo challenge on this date in 2017

"Day 4 of black and white photo challenge. No people, no explanation."

Hint: It's in Seymour.