Friday, July 24, 2020

Recuperation journey: Looking at the sky

The moon today is in waxing crescent phase, 18 percent illumination.

Derby Public Library to host Lunchtime Book Discussion via Zoom

DERBY - The Derby Public Library will host an online Lunchtime Book Discussion at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday.
The July featured book is the “Keeper of Lost Things” by Ruth Hogan.
A charming, clever, and quietly moving debut novel of endless possibilities and joyful discoveries that explores the promises we make and break, losing and finding ourselves, the objects that hold magic and meaning for our lives, and the surprising connections that bind us.

Books will be available to download on Hoopla Digital and Libby which can be found on our website
Registration is required here to receive the Zoom access link and password.

This is shared from a Facebook event page.

Boy Scout repaints porch, installs ramp at Derby Historical Society in Ansonia

ANSONIA - The Derby Historical Society has always been a beneficiary of the service the Boy Scouts provide. 

The Society thanks the young men who accompanied John Wardzala who, under the leadership of Scoutmaster Randy Ritter, completed the most recent Eagle Project at the Society's property, 37 Elm St.

The Eagle Scout project included the repainting of a porch at the Society's office and installation of a wheelchair ramp in the rear of the David Humphreys House.
★ ★         ━━━━━━━━         ★ ★

Did you know? 

"In addition to the Derby Historical Society and its Humphreys House teaching museum, another local venerable institution takes great pride in preserving and presenting local history. That institution is the Harcourt Wood Memorial Library, better known as the Derby Public Library. 
"The origin of the library was due to the generosity of the Wood family who pledged funds for the building and books." 
(Dr. Joe DiRienzo)

Two views of the Derby Public Library, which was dedicated in 1902 and still stands beautifully today. 

Check out their site at 
★ ★         ━━━━━━━━         ★ ★
The Derby Historical Society office will be closed July 28-Aug. 4.

This is a press release from the Derby Historical Society.

Ansonia Rotary Club awards scholarships to 2 Ansonia High graduates

Maliqa Mosley-Williams and Tyler Cafaro.

 ANSONIA - The Ansonia Rotary Club Tuesday  presented $500 checks to city scholars Maliqa Mosley-Williams and Tyler Cafaro. 
Both young adults graduated with distinction from Ansonia High School in June and will be attending college in the fall.
The scholarships were awarded based on their academic and social accomplishments. They and their family members were guests of the Club for lunch at CRAVE Restaurant.
Mayor David S. Cassetti was on hand to offer his congratulations. The meeting was the Club’s first in-person meeting since March, and meetings will be held bi-weekly going forward.
Ansonia Rotary Club would normally meet at noon every other Tuesday at CRAVE, 102 Main St. For membership information contact Joe Pinto at 203-623-1105 or visit

This is a press release from the Ansonia Rotary Club.

Congratulations and best wishes to Maliqa and Tyler!