Master's Table Community Meals to resume at Assumption Church hall in Ansonia

Shared from Master's Table Community Meals' Facebook page:

"We will finally be serving our meals again starting Sunday, July 12 from 4-5:30 pm at Assumption Church [hall, 61 N. Cliff St., Ansonia]. Unfortunately we cannot do a sit down meal; meals will be made to go. 
"Please enter the parking lot between the church and the school, follow the car flow and open your trunk or unlock your back door. A volunteer will place meals for all people in your car. If you walk up you must wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart. 
"All are welcome. Thank you for your continued support."

Derby Public Library slates 'Yesterday's Headlines' via Zoom

DERBY - The Derby Public Library will host historian Rob Novak at 6:30 p.m. June 30 in a presentation via Zoom.

Participants will be taken back to see what was happening locally 100, 75, and 50 years ago in the Valley. 
Novak is past Director of the Derby Historical Society and the City of Shelton’s Municipal Historian. 
In addition, he has authored four books through Arcadia Publications and has been a popular historical columnist. 
This event is co-sponsored with the Derby Historical Society.

Space is limited; registration is required.

This information is shared from an online community calendar sponsored by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and The New Haven Independent.