Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Recuperation journey: Looking at the evening sky

The moon today is in waxing crescent phase, 26 percent illumination.

Naugatuck Valley Health District: 6 more COVID-19 associated deaths

Since our last update on Monday, April 26, Naugatuck Valley Health District has received 11 new reports of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases across the Valley, bringing the district’s total to 989 cases.
261 (~26%) of the 989 confirmed cases among Valley residents, are individuals who currently reside in a nursing home, assisted living facility, group home, or other similar setting. Please be advised that some towns have multiple facilities reporting COVID-19 cases.
93 (~35%) of the 261 individuals have passed away due to COVID-19 complications. Please see pages 3-4 for additional information and data related to COVID-19 associated deaths.
Today, NVHD learned of six laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 associated deaths, all residents of nursing homes within Seymour (5) and Shelton (1). We extend our sincerest condolences to the families and friends of those who have passed away due to COVID-19 complications.
The deaths reported to NVHD today occurred within the last week, not necessarily since the last NVHD report. For public health surveillance, laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 associated deaths are defined as patients who tested positive for COVID-19 around the time of death; this is not a determination of the cause of death. The health district does not have further details including whether there may have been underlying health issues or other contributing factors.
Statewide COVD-19 data is available at https://portal.ct.gov/coronavirus and is also linked on the NVHD website www.nvhd.org/covid19-data.
As a reminder, all data reported is preliminary and subject to change. Test results may be reported several days after the result. 
Patient information may be updated after results have already been reported. Changes will be reflected in the new daily totals.
NVHD receives data and confirmation reports from the following sources: CT Department of Public Health, Hospitals, Healthcare Providers, Laboratories, and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
Sometimes, the local health department receives reports before the State DPH and therefore the numbers reported by NVHD may differ from the daily report on the State of CT website.

'Turnback Tuesday' features 1896 book about Derby and Shelton

Turnback Tuesday is highlighting the book: “Souvenir History of Derby and Shelton.” Published in 1896 by the Transcript Co. of Derby, Conn., it was illustrated and compiled by Charles B. Gillespie. This book of 71 pages plus 163 photos and illustrations is packed with information of prominent people and businesses in Derby and Shelton. 
You can view this book at the [Derby Public] Library in our Local History Room.

Thanks goes to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week!

Recuperation journey: Rainy Monday morning

Robin struggles with string.  

Photos taken through the front door. 

Derby Historical Society's 'Tuesdays at Ten' to feature Humphreys House restoration

Today at Ten 

"Tuesday Tours at Ten"!

"Our Live presentation will feature a quick look at some of the continuing and ongoing exterior restoration work of the General David Humphreys House. 

"Additionally, we will present a trivia question for one lucky winner who will receive a special prize! 

"Log onto Facebook, "Like" our page, and watch for our Live broadcast every Tuesday at 10 a.m.

If you enjoy "Tuesday Tours at Ten" please
visit thegreatgive.org  today!"

Click here for the printable membership form: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/3a79ac2188170e3441f4525f1/files/9ecb28e7-1ec1-402b-ac12-2d7dbcb1e540/DHS_Member_App.pdf "

This is a press release from the Derby Historical Society.