Wednesday, October 9, 2019

'Turnback Tuesday' (on Wednesday) highlights hitching posts in Derby

Turnback Tuesday highlights an obvious but not so obvious landmark: the hitching post. 
Once located in abundance along our streets in front of businesses and homes, they were a necessary item in the days when horses were our main means of transportation. 
By simply hitching your animal to one of these posts, the horse would not wander off or run away if frightened. 
This photo shows a hitching post in front of Hallock's Hardware Store on Main Street in Derby.

Thanks to the Derby Public Library staff for sharing interesting local history each week!

Derby Public Library to hold Teen Maker Space meeting

DERBY - Derby Public Library invites all young adults ages 12 to 17 to Teen Maker Space from 3-4:30 p.m. Oct. 31.
Available resources include “Green Screen” video production, 3D design programs, 3D printer, 3D doodle pens, Legos, and more! 

Light refreshments will be provided. 
For more information call 203-736-1482 or visit
The Library is at 313 Elizabeth St.

This is a press release from Tony DeLos, young adult librarian, Derby Public Library. 

Citizens Engine Co. #2 in Seymour to host annual Family Breakfast

Sharing from a Facebook event page:

Pancakes, French toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, coffee, tea, orange juice and tomato juice - adults $10, children under 12 only $5.
Order some of the menu or ALL of the menu—the price remains the same!
Come one, come all! Spread the word and we will see you all for breakfast!

Recuperation journey: Seeing things

When I looked outside Tuesday afternoon I thought I saw a 'red butterfly' atop the forsythia. 
I was wrong. But it looks like one from a distance, doesn't it? 
#waiting for fall color

Play 'Operation' with surgical robot at Griffin Hospital in Derby event

Griffin Hospital will host a robotic surgery information event on Oct. 30.

DERBY - Griffin Health’s da Vinci® Xi surgical robot will take on challengers to a game of Hasbro’s Operation from 6-9 p.m. Oct. 30 at Griffin Hospital, 130 Division St.
Participants will receive prizes for their efforts and can meet surgeons to learn how robotic surgery helps with general, colorectal, thoracic and bariatric surgery.
Light refreshments will be served.

About Robotic-Assisted Surgery at Griffin Hospital
In 2018, Griffin Health started a Robotic-Assisted Surgery Program and added the da Vinci® Xi Surgery System - the most up-to-date, advanced surgical robot available - to expand its range of services and offer additional minimally invasive surgical options to patients. da Vinci Surgery benefits patients by offering shorter hospital stays, less blood loss, fewer complications, less need for narcotic pain medicine, faster recovery, and smaller incisions associated with minimal scarring. 
Griffin uses robotic-assisted surgery for bariatric, cardiac, colorectal, general, gynecologic, and head and neck surgeries. 
For more information, visit

This is a press release from Griffin Hospital.