Monday, July 8, 2019

Derby Historical Society directors, docents gather after Silver Tea fundraiser

The Derby Historical Society held its 29th annual Silver Tea Monday at La Sala Banquet Hall in Derby. 
Pictured are docents with new director Daniel Bosques, third from left, and outgoing director Paula Norton, at his left.

Please stay tuned for more photos in an upcoming issue of The Valley Voice newsletter. 

Congratulations go to Ansonia's 2 new police officers

Shared from the City of Ansonia Facebook page:
"Congratulations to the two newest Ansonia Police Officers!
"We are pleased to introduce Brian Kanavy and Kathryn Semeraro. Brian and Kathryn were recommended for appointment by Mayor David Cassetti to the Ansonia Board of Police Commissioners. 
"The Board of Police Commissioners voted to approve the hiring of Brian and Kathryn on July 3, 2019. The photo is of Brian and Kathryn getting sworn in as new recruit police officers.
"Brian and Kathryn will both be attending the Waterbury Police Academy in early August 2019. They will train for approximately 6.5 months and then they will enter our Field Training Program here at Ansonia PD. You will get to meet the new officers in early 2020.
"Again, congratulations Kathryn and Brian and welcome aboard."

Wound care center at Griffin Hospital in Derby to offer foot screenings

The Comprehensive Wound Care Center will host a free diabetic foot screening event at 5 p.m. July 24 at Griffin Hospital./ Contributed photo

DERBY - The Comprehensive Wound Care Center at Griffin Hospital is offering individuals diagnosed with diabetes free help with taking care of their feet.
At 5 p.m. July 24 the Center will host a free diabetic foot screening event at the hospital. Each screening will take about 10 minutes and will include consultation with a podiatrist if needed. 
The screenings will be first come, first served, however registration is required by visiting the Griffin Hospital events calendar at or by calling 203-732-1511. For any questions, call the Center at 203-732-7140.

Foot problems are common with diabetes. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes cause damage to blood vessels and peripheral nerves that can result in peripheral artery disease and peripheral neuropathy.
Due to the decreased sensation from nerve damage and the lack of oxygen being delivered to the feet, people with diabetes have an increased risk of ulcers as well as bunions, corns, calluses, hammertoes, fungal infections, dryness of the skin, and ingrown toenails. 
These problems are not specific to diabetes, but can occur more commonly due to the nerve and vascular damage. If these foot problems are not properly checked or treated, individuals may suffer from tissue death due to absence of blood circulation or a life-threatening bacterial infection.
Diabetic foot screening can help determine risk factors early, and reduce amputations and ulcerations. 
Studies have shown that early detection and intervention may prevent up to 85 percent of amputations in diabetic patients.
Symptoms of foot problems include feeling a burning sensation, feeling “pins and needles” frequently, corns and toenail problems.
Individuals diagnosed with diabetes who experience the following should contact a physician immediately:
  • Open wounds and any ulcers.
  • Areas of bluish/black skin.
  • Ingrown toe nails with or without discharge.
  • Red and hot skin (may include swelling)
About the Comprehensive Wound Healing Center at Griffin Hospital
The Comprehensive Wound Healing Center helps patients with chronic, non-healing wounds by offering highly effective treatment for a variety of chronic wounds, including: Diabetic foot ulcers; Radiation injury to tissue and bone; Compromised skin grafts; and Pressure ulcers. The Center provides a comprehensive range of services that are specifically designed to help promote wound healing, including:
• Extensive wound assessment
• Pain management
• Debridement
• Compression therapy
• Patient education
• Infection management
• Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

This is a press release from Griffin Hospital.

Recuperation journey: High wire act

I spied this feathered friend silhouetted against this morning's gray sky. 
The bird was in shadow but through the magic of editing I brightened the image enough to see some detail.

See, discuss 'The Greatest Showman' movie at Seymour Public Library

Seymour Public Library is at 46 Church St., Seymour. 
For information call 203-888-3903.